Cart & checkout add-ons

The cart & checkout add-ons are intended to showcase other products that the customer may be interested in at checkout or when viewing the cart.


The Shopify app provides a simple, but powerful way to design and deploy cart & checkout add-ons to boost order value.

Deploy on Shopify

  • Go to the theme editor and navigate to the page where the add-ons should be deployed, for example the product page.
  • Add a section or a block and select Zubi Recommendations from the Apps submenu.
  • In the menu panel, add the following recommendation block id: INSERT_YOUR_ID_HERE
  • Make any optional configurations, then click save and check the result on the live page.


Add-ons do not display until they have been generated. If there are no add-ons displayed on the live page, the add-ons are still being generated.

Other platforms

This feature is currently only available for Shopify merchants.